Wednesday 31 October 2012

Reversing the Supply Chain: P&G's gasification of waste

Here's a link to an interesting report of papers given at an all-day supply chain conference at Stanford Graduate School of Business.  It included a presentation by Jill Boughton, Associate R&D Director at P&G, on their "Waste to Worth" efforts in India which mentions their waste gasification scheme being pilotted in the Phillipines. 

"P&G partners with municipalities to help establish ownership and responsibility for the plant operations. The owners get the profits from the electricity produced and P&G gets zero revenue. The city is not required to increase its consumption of P&G products, so this would seem a very altruistic enterprise. However, P&G is not just concerned with the safe and proper disposal of a mountain of used diapers, but in the process of moving towards a healthier reverse supply chain, all products, from all suppliers, are reviewed."

The report is written by Douglas Alexander, Principal Consultant, Component Engineering Consultants

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