Sunday, 14 October 2012

Kelheim Fibres presents new viscose fibre speciality Umberto

The R&D team of the Bavarian viscose specialities manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has developed a completely new viscose fibre named Umberto. The most remarkable thing about Umberto is its cross section - or better: cross sections. By tuning a multitude of parameters during the spinning process, Kelheim’s R&D has created a fibre with varying letter-shaped cross section.

First tests have shown the benefits of Umberto for both nonwoven and textile applications: in the nonwoven area, Umberto fibres of a certain length have achieved the best test results for the dispersibility of wet wipes. In textile applications, the different cross sections of Umberto create air pockets in the yarn which can deliver a thermal insulation effect in garments - this effect is currently being tested by a renowned institute.

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