Tuesday 6 November 2012

Lenzing Group: Expansion to 320,000 tonnes viscose fibre capacity at SPV completed.

SPV President Director Wolfram Kalt and his employees with the first viscose fiber bale of the fifth production line
SPV President Director Wolfram Kalt and his employees with the first viscose fiber bale of the fifth production line
South Pacific Viscose (SPV) is now the world’s largest viscose fiber plant.
In late October, trial operations of the fifth production line started successfully at Lenzing’s Indonesian subsidiary PT. South Pacific Viscose. With an additional nominal capacity of 80,000 tons of viscose fibers p.a., the annual total capacity of SPV will increase to 320,000 tons once Line 5 has been launched. SPV will thus exceed the capacity of the parent plant in Lenzing/Upper Austria (250,000 tons p.a.) for the first time and become the world’s largest viscose fiber plant.
“Asia is the most important market for the Lenzing Group. It’s where we generate more than half of our fiber revenues. Therefore it is only logical that our largest plant is located in Indonesia”, Peter Untersperger, Chief Executive Officer of Lenzing, explains the general thrust of the expansion. “More than half of our fiber production capacity is now located in Asia.”
Indonesia has a significant textile industry, which represents one of the largest industrial sectors of the Southeast Asian island state. SPV has been an important supplier and reliable partner of the local industry for nearly 30 years. Moreover, customers are supplied with high-quality fibers for textile and nonwovens use from the Purwakarta plant not only in the Asian region, but in nearly all continents as part of the global market presence of the Lenzing Group.

For more information please contact:
Angelika Guldt
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +43 (0) 7672 701-2713
E-mail: a.guldt@lenzing.com

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