Friday, 26 September 2014

Certification of Biopolymers

More from AIMPLAS Valencia...
Miriam Lübbecke of DIN Certco (Germany) specialises in biopolymer certification using a scheme which is totally transparent with all details publically available on their website.  When a manufacturer applies for a certificate, DIN Certco assesses the relevant literature and decides how to test the product.  It uses appropriate independent test laboratories chosen from its list of 130 accredited and contracted testing partners, issues a report on the results,  and if appropriate, the certificate of conformance and permission to use the logo.  “Biobased” certificates cover three levels, 20-50%, 50-85% and >85% biobased according to ASTM D 6866 methods which requires a total organic carbon of >50% and a C14 content above 20%.  Testing is required every second year.

“Compostable” certificates can include 4 logos, “the seedling” for industrial compostability, and 3 “DIN-Gepruft” logos covering industrial, home composting and additive content. ASTM D6400 is among the approved tests, but only the Australian standard AS 5810 is used for home composting certification.  The tests include ultimate biodegradability, disintegration, plant toxicity, EN 13432 chemical analysis and, for home composting the ASTM E 1676 earthworm toxicity test.

“Recycled Content” is determined by DIN EN ISO 14021 and audits of the manufacturing site to determine traceability under DIN EN 15343.  A new “All-in-one” DIN Certco logo covering all 4 properties is now available.

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